11 Ways To Tell If You Have A Cult NFT

11 Ways To Tell If You Have A Cult NFT

In this article, we will discuss cult NFTs. We’ll go over the difference between a cult and a regular non-fungible token as well as list out 11 ways to tell if you have found a cult NFT. If you are looking for something that is different from what everyone else has, then it’s time to learn about cult NFTs!


They’re not fungible tokens – they often have a unique look or feel that sets them apart from other tokens in their set.


The creators of these types of tokens don’t just create one design and then call it quits – they may continue to produce new designs with each subsequent generation


People who participate in these communities are cult-like in their devotion to a certain NFT. They will often go above and beyond for the token they love, including making fan art or even tattooing themselves with something related to it.


These cult tokens are more than just digital objects – there is usually some sort of incentive program that makes members want to collect as many designs as possible over time (such as limited edition graphics)


Each new generation of cult tokens has an increasingly large following — these people simply cannot get enough.


In fact, cult NFTs have a cult-like following so much so that there is no doubt about it.


It can be difficult to tell if you are part of a cult NFT — especially because many tokens thrive on being decentralized and anonymous.


There may not even be any sort of requirements for joining the cult other than liking an image or object enough to want one yourself.


Once you have joined, cult tokens can be very hard to get rid of.


Not only do cult NFTs have a cult-like following but they also often come with benefits for early adopters — such as discounts or exclusive access.


If you are still unsure about whether or not your favorite token is a cult NFT, ask yourself these questions…

Do people seem obsessed?

Is the community tight-knit and insular?

Are there any weird rules or requirements?

Does the token have limited edition graphics?

Do people constantly talk about it online (or offline)?

How easy is it to join/get involved?

In conclusion, cult NFTs are not to be taken lightly. Make sure you do your research before investing in any token, as they may end up being cult-like offerings.

Keep in mind that these are not the only signs of a cult NFT — if you have a gut feeling that something is off, it probably is! So, be careful out there and happy hunting for the best cult tokens around.

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