3 Tips To Prevent Head Lice In Your School Going Children

3 Tips To Prevent Head Lice In Your School Going Children

Head lice are common in school-going children, especially those from the age of around four to fourteen years. Most children catch lice at school from other kids who have them. Since you don’t have much control over what your child does at school and who they play with, there isn’t much you can do to prevent lice.

The challenge that comes with dealing with head lice is that they can be passed from one person to another. So how do you protect and keep your child away from head lice even as they interact with other children? Here are 3 tips you can use:

1. Watch out for Outbreaks

There are times when there is a lice outbreak, especially in the neighborhood or your kid’s class. If this happens, be on guard and look out for the signs. Check your child hair and scalp by dividing the hair into portions and inspecting it. Use a magnifying glass to try and spot the small-sized critters. Besides visual inspection, you can also look for other signs such as a child who keeps on scratching their head at all times.

If your child has lice, look for head lice control salons in your area and take them there for hair treatment. These salons use products that are designed to treat the hair and kill lice. They also have the right equipment for the job. Don’t try to clean your child’s hair at home as you can risk spreading the lice through combs, brushes, and even through contact.

2. Educate your Child

One of the key ways through which kids catch lice is by bringing heads together as they play. This is also common in teenagers as they take pictures. Talk to your kid about head lice and how certain habits increase their risk of catching the parasites. Let them know that it’s not wrong to head bump and all rub each other’s heads, but if one of their friends has lice, they may end up catching them.

By educating your child, they will be more cautious when playing with other children. However, advise them against insinuating that someone has lice, as this can create bad blood between the kids.

3. Use Protective Shampoo

Finally, consider buying a protective shampoo that will protect against lice. This would be useful when there is an outbreak, but you can use it as part of your child’s daily routine. Note that the shampoo will not prevent lice from getting on your child’s hair. However, it can help curb an undetected infestation before it becomes a menace in your family.

Lice outbreaks occur in school-going children every year, and they can be quite uncomfortable. The best you can do is to educate your child and protect them. However, if they do catch lice, get proper treatment from head lice control salons and invest in protective hair shampoos.

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