ADHD is a disorder that affects about 5% of children and adults. ADHD can make it difficult to focus, stay organized, or finish tasks.
There are many different ADHD apps available on android devices that can help you manage your ADHD symptoms. I will go over 6 of the most popular ADHD apps for android, along with what they do to help people with ADHD!
HabitRPG: This app allows users to create “quests” which involve completing specific tasks in order to earn points for rewards like extra lives or gold coins. The point system creates an incentive to complete tasks each day so users feel rewarded by the game instead of guilty when they don’t complete their goals.
Medication Reminder: ADHD medications can be a huge help for ADHD management, but unfortunately people with ADHD often forget to take their medication or don’t take it at the right time. Medication Reminder is an app that reminds users when and how much of their ADHD medication they need to take so they stay on track!
Pacer: This free app helps you keep track of your daily tasks by reminding you what needs to get done now, later, or if something still needs to be completed. It has great visual design as well as functionality which makes this ADHD app easy and fun to use.
Just like those popular video games everyone loves, these apps are designed in such a way that creates an interactive experience where managing ADHD doesn’t feel like a chore.
MindShift: This ADHD app is especially great for kids with ADHD because it helps them manage their anxiety and negative thoughts about having ADHD.
TickiT: Tickit is an android ADHD app that provides users a way to track how much time they spend on certain activities throughout the day so you can see where all your time goes! It will help you set goals, stay organized, monitor progress over time, and get motivated.
Six: My Tracks – GPS tracking & recording made easy | Google Maps Location History Tracker: If looking at numbers stresses you out this ADHD apps android isn’t for you but if not then this might be right up your alley. With the ability to map out routes using GPS location history data this ADHD app android is perfect for people who like to keep detailed records of their daily activities.
We hope this information on ADHD apps android was helpful.
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