Developed by Dr. Bo Zhi-yun, abdominal acupuncture is essentially a technique of acupuncture used to access particular points on the abdomen to treat a number of disorders, particularly neurological disorders and pain. By way of clinical observation, Dr. Bo Zhi-yun found two new regulatory systems with methodically disseminated acupoints surrounding the umbilicus in the abdomen.
Abdominal acupuncture Seattle is used commonly to treat chronic Zang-fu organ disorders like insomnia, sequelae of stroke, menopausal syndrome, simple obesity, and irregular menstruation, and so on. Furthermore, musculoskeletal disorders like knee osteoarthritis, cervical spondylosis, shoulder periarthritis and PLID or prolapse of lumbar intervertebral have been treated successfully with this type of acupuncture.
This type of acupuncture is an incredibly low risk since the needling is very superficial. However, bruising can occur from time to time. The needles used during abdominal acupuncture are tremendously short and thin. They all are sterile single used needles. It is not a dangerous, invasive or painful procedure with possibly irreversible damage like Botox or plastic surgery. No recovery period is required after the treatments and sessions last approximately 60 minutes.
You should go to the treatment sessions wearing comfortable clothing; for example, wearing a tank top and shorts would be wise as this type of clothing will grant easy access to the acupuncture points. You should make sure that you eat something small and light before treatments. You should also drink a lot of water before and after the sessions. You could take Arnica for the duration of the protocol as this would prevent bruising.
To provide the good results, experts recommend 2 abdominal acupuncture treatments quarterly, a minimum of 2 treatments every 6 month or for best results, 1 treatment can be done each month. There is also the option of receiving the 12 treatment protocol one time per year.
As a therapy, abdominal acupuncture has become quite popular in China due to its gentle nature and its powerful results. Typically, the results are achieved within moments of correctly inserting the needle to the right depth. The procedure is quite versatile and all-over body pain can be treated in a single treatment. This procedure is especially effective to treat stroke-related paralysis and is frequently used as a substitute for scalp acupuncture for the treatment of sequelae which can take place after a stroke. In actuality, the majority of individuals prefer abdominal acupuncture Seattle to treat this type of condition.
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