Acne Scar Treatment – Finding The Best Treatment For You

What Causes Acne Scars?

Acne happens when tiny pores on your skin get clogged with bacteria, oil, and dirt. As a result, your skin becomes inflamed, and it looks as though a pimple has formed on your face. The leading cause of acne is still unknown. However, many factors can lead to this disease. Some of these factors include; hormonal changes during puberty, genetics, pregnancy, being overweight, and oily skin.

Consult a Dermatologist

If you have one or more of these symptoms, you should consult a dermatologist immediately. They will do a blood test called a DNA test to determine a possible family history of acne scarring. This test will tell the doctor your skin type. Your genetic makeup can determine your skin type. There are two main types of skin types; the sensitive or skin type; and the inflammatory or pigmented skin type.

Topical Acne Scar Treatment, those with sensitive skin types are very prone to developing blemishes and pimples. You can prevent a breakout from occurring or at least reduce the severity of a breakout by applying a topical acne scar treatment to your problem area. If you have many pimples and whiteheads, you should go to your dermatologist right away to apply a topical cream that can help you dry up these blemishes and pimples. When you use the cream, wait around thirty to forty-five minutes before washing your face.


Those with inflammatory skin types are prone to developing large, red, and thick zits, known as pimples. These are the kind of pimples that you can’t just slather on your face and make these pimples disappear. A good acne scar treatment is to have chemical peels. Chemical peels work by removing the top layer of your skin. The layer beneath the top layer of skin is called the dermis.

Medicated Cleanser

In order for chemical peels to be effective, they must be followed by other treatments. The next step after having a chemical peel is to have the area around the scarred area cleaned twice a day with a medicated cleanser. You can choose an over-the-counter medicated cleanser.

Acne Scar Treatment can be challenging, scarring that is severe will not respond to creams and ointments that you might try on your own. Before you decide on a treatment, it is best to consult your dermatologist so you can find out what options are available to you.

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