Asperger’s Syndrome Separating Myth From Reality

Asperger’s Syndrome Separating Myth From Reality

As there s no real documented medical fact for Aspergers Treatment, lets just discuss the what’s, why’s and how’s as they would say.

Gaining great notoriety in recent years as one of the new socially debilitating syndromes where there is no actual cure for in adults so we can only actually discuss the effects and way it affects the lives of children and how to deal with it with the help of two of the top experts in the field DR A (female) and DR B (male).

The worst part of this disorder is despite gaining recent attention many remain unaware and sometimes ignorant on the true nature of it.

DR A is a professor of Paeds at a top United States University while DR B is a Autism and Aspergers Behaviorists at another top States University in Nebraska


Until recently very little was known about Aspergers Treatment even though it’s symptoms was already identified back in 1944

Known as quirks, this syndrome presents itself as a development disorder characterized by certain social deficiencies and characteristics.

Interacting with peers is mostly difficult, because these quirks tend to make the child preoccupied with the mundane or a particular uninteresting subject. Which may lead to repetitive rituals and routines, causing strange and peculiar speech patterns, sounds and sometimes outbursts.

Dr A has noticed that although mostly anti-social, children with Aspergers tend to click with someone or a group who might at that moment be interested in a topic, event or even a person that he or she has been concentrating on or trying to figure out all the time and as long as they all stick to “that’ the child with Aspergers will stay with them and actually engage with the others but at a possibly higher level of conversation or aptitude.

This not only gives the Aspergers a restrictive repertoire onto him or herself but to others as well who might not understand of is willing to understand the situation and can lead to the child being excluded in other activities which will cause even further withdrawal.

The biggest reason for this is that although the other children might think of the Aspergers child as slow, but in fact he or she will have more than just an above average intelligence bordering on genius.

Both DR’s A & B agree at least on one thing and that is Asperger’s is still one of the biggest unsolved puzzles in medical research with a cause that is just as largely unknown.

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