Beauty Tips For Gorgeous Skin

Beauty Tips For Gorgeous Skin

Are you looking for some handy beauty tips to have flawless skin? Here are some useful beauty tips for you, specific to whiten your underarms naturally.

Tips 1- Give yourself an at-home peel
This is one of the best ways to get rid of dead skin cells and lighten dark spots on elbows with lemon juice. Just apply freshly squeezed lemon juice on your elbow or knees, then cover with a bandage or cloth for 30 minutes. You will instantly see improvement! Also, try mixing honey and sugar with lemon juice for a better result.

Tips 2- Use aloe vera
Rubbing Aloe Vera gel on dark elbows can help remove dryness caused by excessive exposure to the sun’s UV rays, which gives you lighter & younger-looking skin in a matter of weeks. Aloe vera skin lightening can also be combined with lemon juice for better results.

Tips 3- Mix sugar, egg white & honey
This is another effective home remedy to lighten dark elbows that will clear scrapes and scarring. Make a paste by mixing egg whites, sugar, and honey; apply it on your elbows every night before going to bed; this may take anywhere between 2 weeks or one month, depending on how stubborn the spots are. Rinse off with warm water in the morning. This mixture penetrates through the outer layer of skin (epidermis), which peels off, revealing smooth new skin underneath. Do not use this method more than twice a week; you can do it daily if you have very sensitive skin.

Tips 4- Use a paste of turmeric & curd
Turmeric is an excellent bleaching agent and lightens dark spots overnight. Mix equal portions of turmeric powder and curd to make a thick & smooth paste; apply this on your elbows for 1 hour, then wash it off with cold water. You can also mix a bit of honey or sugar in the above recipe if you have sensitive skin, so it will not get irritated by the turmeric powder. Repeat this remedy twice a week to see results within two weeks.

Tips 5- Do steam therapy regularly! Steam helps open up pores and soften skin so that accumulated grime can be removed effectively, which is essential if your skin is particularly oily or flaky. Along with its gentle exfoliating and anti-inflammatory properties, steam is a good way to keep your elbows smooth, soft & blemish-free. Just boil some water in a pan or pot, place it on the countertop near you & lean over the boiling water to cover yourself with steam. You can use this method as long as you are comfortable; it’s very relaxing!

In conclusion, using the above methods regularly will surely take you one step closer to smoother, softer, better-looking skin.

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