Best Immune Boosting Vitamins

Best Immune Boosting Vitamins

We all are familiar with the phrase “prevention is better than cure.” This phrase is applicable to present day situation when whole of the world is facing the crisis of “covid-19” outbreak. Health services are on emergency levels. To avail medical aid for all is the biggest challenge for the health officials and governments of all the nations. Covid-19 and many other underlying health conditions are creating danger over the well being of mankind. As the vaccination for Covid-19 is ongoing in almost all countries yet due to shortage of vaccines it will take a long time to cover up all the people. Covid -19 and other infectious diseases badly affect the people with weaker immunity system and other health conditions like heart diseases, high bp, diabetes etc. Hence it is very necessary for all of us to improve our immune system to fight with the infection causing agents.

Health officials are recommending Vitamin health supplements to everyone to improve the immunity. The main Immune boosting vitamins are:

-Vitamin C(Ascorbic Acid) : It is the main Vitamin to improve the immune system of the body and helps to reduce the severe symptoms of pathogenic infections like flu, fever, cold, headache and vomiting etc. It can be taken in diet or as supplement only as it is not stored or produced in the body. A lot of food items like oranges, grapes, strawberries, spinach, broccoli etc contain Vitamin C. It can be taken as a supplement also. Less or no intake of Vitamin C in diet makes the person more prone to catch diseases easily.

-Vitamin B6(Pyridoxine): It is very essential Vitamin to regulate and control various functions in the body. It plays a major role in creation of neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid. It is also called Immune boosting vitamins. It helps to decrease the level of amino acid homocysteine which is associated with depression. It also helps to gain energy from carbohydrates and proteins. Due to its role in formation of hemoglobin, it helps to lessen the chances of becoming anemic. As it is not produced by body, it is necessary to take Vitamin B6 supplement. Peanuts, soyabeans, wheat germs, oats and bananas.

-Vitamin D: Vitamin D or Cholecalciferol or Sunlight vitamin is naturally present in sunlight and is very important for the regulation of calcium and phosphorus in the body. It improves bone health. It is also helpful in maintaining the blood calcium levels in patients of hypo/hyperparathyroidism. It is known to increase heart health and thus enables longer life span. The only ignorance people do is to assume that they are getting enough of Vitamin D from sunlight and they don’t take it seriously to involve Vitamin D in diet. As of current lifestyle of spending maximum time indoors in Air conditioned rooms and vehicles, exposure to direct sunlight has reduced. It causes vitamin D deficiency which can give serious health problems related to bone weakness and calcium imbalance. Fatty fishes, egg yolk, sea food, fortified foods are some major sources of Vitamin D.

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