Working with structural insulated panels (or simply SIPs) can be challenging especially for the first time users. They are not easy to install as they pause a challenging task of ensuring all installations are both air and moisture tight. The effectiveness of any of the panels, therefore, depends on the level of expertise that is employed during installation.
To get the most out of your structural insulated panels‘ installation, here are some of the factors that you should consider while using these panels during a construction:
1. Protect the panels from water penetration
Any SIPs experts will tell you that moisture is the greatest enemy to structural Insulated panels. The moisture penetrates to the insulation foams causing functional damages to the panels. By all means, therefore, make sure that water does not sip through the panels as it will negate the whole essence of the insulation function.
2. Monitor the installation process
Unless you are planning to buy the panels and install them the same day, always make sure that you have stored them properly. Any structural insulated panels Canberra dealer or vendor will tell you that the Australian weather can easily affect the panels even before installation. This requires close monitoring and prior, during and even after installation to ensure that they are protected from weather interference.
3. Install proper seals to reinforce the SIPs
These panels need to be fastened well and any gaps between them filled. Always be sure to start with the edges and the corners working outwards from the sides. Use adhesive or SIP tape to minimize air leakage and foster longevity of the structure.
4. Pick the right size of the HVAC
Many people do not know how to balance these two. Using the structural insulated panels helps in building cost-effective and energy effective houses. This means that the heating and cooling system that you need to choose should be optimized so as not to conflict with panels functions. Homes fitted with SIPs require a smaller HVAC system. However, to ensure that purchase the best HVAC system, be sure to ask your contractor for the appropriate size fit for your home. Good structural insulated panels Canberra experts should also have information on the most appropriate sizes of the heating system to use depending on the house size.
By and large, using SIPs can help you save on energy bills and costs. However, you should not settle without seeking for expert advice. Additionally, be sure to conduct your research and ascertain the compatibility of the panels and the preferred heating system you desire for your home or structure.
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