Crime Rates Spur Popularity Of Krav Maga In Perth

Crime Rates Spur Popularity Of Krav Maga In Perth

Statistics show that crime rates are not drastically changing for the better, resulting in the popularity of Krav Maga in Perth. Unless you’re wired differently than everyone else, being nervous for yourself and your family is normal, especially when traveling around homicide-heavy suburbs, but practicing defense mechanisms, like that taught in Krav Maga classes will put your mind at ease.

What Is Krav Maga?

This is a martial arts type of self-defense. However, unlike many traditional forms of martial arts, this style has no competitions, no tournaments or trophies. It’s strictly for learning how to defend yourself.

It’s origins began in Israel and is referred to as “contact combat” form of self defense. It was developed initially for the Israeli military by Imi Lichtenfeld. With an extensive background in Judo, wrestling, and boxing, Lichtenfeld created this effective technique for empty-handed combat maneuvers to fight against guns, knives, baseball bats, and other weapons.

Since it’s creation, the techniques have been refined and adapted for civilian use. Despite the effective techniques, experts point out that it’s up to the practitioner to practice them and use it. Is it for everyone? The fundamental techniques of Krav Maga can be performed by practically anyone, including kids. It is physically demanding and if you’re willing to commit, anyone can succeed.

What To Expect In Krav Maga?

There are lesson plans that schools typically follow, but they vary. Regardless of the curriculum, once the technique is taught, you’ll practice drills. Drills are the way schools bring pairs of students and groups together to apply the lessons in a realistic setting, meaning, using the skills taught with lots of physical contact. Sparring is another task that is essential to the proper development of your self-defense. This helps students learn to manage fear, toughen up the body and build fight endurance.

All the techniques in the world aren’t worth a hill of beans without a conditioned body. The conditioning exercise options are endless, but all of them are designed to build up the body’s strength, flexibility, and endurance. Krav Maga conditioning exercises will take your body to the point of exhaustion during training, but this helps to mimic situations of what it feels like to be in a real-life attack or street fight. Soon, your body will adapt and become stronger.

Is This Form Of Self-Defense For Me?

It’s definitely not Zumba. Experts say to remain open-minded, believe in yourself, and be willing to learn something new. It can be difficult to challenge yourself and perceive that you could learn combat fighting, but everything falls into place with lots of training. Even the introverted and shy open up and share triumphs in the end.

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