Getting Ready To Use A Crossfit Box

Getting Ready To Use A Crossfit Box

A Crossfit box can be a great tool for developing strength and conditioning. It is versatile enough to be used for upper body and lower body exercises. It is so simple that anyone can use it right away. However, some caution is necessary especially because most of the movements performed with the box are intense and explosive. If the user does too much or lacks preparation, then the routine can do more harm than good. Go over the following checklist before starting a regular plyometric routine:

Make Sure that You Have the Right Box

A lot of people make the mistake of underestimating how difficult plyometric exercises are. They want to tackle tall boxes right away thinking that shorter ones lack any sort of challenge. They try to max out their jumps from the start. This can prove to be detrimental because the impact of jumps on the joints can be punishing. Beginners haven’t mastered landing techniques yet. Their muscles and bones have not adapted to the stress. Their form still needs work. They should start with lower heights and take their time before moving up. They should also consider their weight and the box’s capacity. Get something with high quality construction to avoid accidents.

Get Cleared of Lower Leg Injuries

If you have any lingering lower leg pain, then get it treated right away. Start plyometric exercises with the Crossfit box only after the injury has cleared out. If you have chronic conditions, then talk to your doctor about it to check whether you are cleared to perform plyo exercises. Perhaps some are possible but some are too much for today. It will depend on your fitness level and your treatment’s progress. It is always best to be conservative and take it slowly so as not to revisit old injuries. Think about asking a gym instructor to write a suitable training plan for you so you don’t do too much too soon.

Do a Warmup Routine to Get the Muscles Primed

Since plyo exercises tend to have high intensity, you should never skip the warmup before starting. Try dynamic stretches that target the hips, knees, and ankles. Do these slowly and never force your muscles past their limits. Just get the blood flowing and limber up to prevent strains once you begin jumping around. You can also jog in place. You might even want to try step-ups and other slower motions before doing box jumps.

Treat the Crossfit box with respect. It is a powerful tool that requires adequate preparation before use for optimal results.

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