Guide To Talent Pipeline Software

Guide To Talent Pipeline Software

After the commissioning of a talent pipeline software solution, a continuous follow-up is necessary and customary. This includes both support for the user via the hotline during normal operation and enhancements to the software if necessary. With external software development or project management is regulated in both a support contract.

A distinction is made between a first- level support and a second-level support. The first- level support (including Helpdesk) is the first point of contact for all incoming support issues and will answer all problem reports. It handles only serious problems to the second- level support for standard software.

The continuous adaptation of the software to changing requirements or environmental conditions type of new versions of standard software is referred to as software maintenance.

Major changes are processed on their own maintenance projects, minor adjustments frequently and maintenance tasks with simpler process rules. The management of the subsequent introduction of changes into a running system called change management.

There are many training concepts. A larger number of users are often trained on so-called multipliers. Multipliers are users who in turn train other users. This procedure is also called Train the Trainers. Increasingly, user training takes place over the Internet with appropriate training applications.

Configuration management

A user needs for his work nowadays a large number of talent pipeline software programs. For each user or PC thus, a list of the packages must be stored to be installed by the software distribution.

Furthermore, the parameters must be entered to configure the applications. It is very helpful to group the user or computer. The administrator then has considerably less effort than if he had to configure for each computer or user individually.

The Administrator shall at all times can quickly determine the current set point and actual configuration of a computer to ensure that it is working. Since these are often a large number of computers, powerful query tools are required. These also provide statistical information, such as a list on how many computers a particular software is installed.

Quality assurance measures such as the documentation of the configuration, training of administrators, the four eyes principle, operational monitoring and statistical analyzes support the reliability of the software distribution system.

Java Web Start allows the download of Java applications and their automatic installation on the client machine. Each time you call such a Java application Java Web Start checks whether the server there is a newer version and install it if necessary.

In contrast to the other systems mentioned but it is not controlled from a central location but initiated locally from the client. Therefore, it is not a software distribution system in the strict sense.

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