Help Aids No Elderly Person Should Be Without

Help Aids No Elderly Person Should Be Without

As we age, many of our daily routines get interrupted by aches and pains. Many elderly people suffer from hearing loss, aching joints due to arthritis, general stiffness, balancing problems when walking or moving in general, and have difficulty transferring from sitting to standing positions. These are just some of the physical problems the elderly suffers. They also have cognitive issues from simple short term memory loss to dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Helps aids for the elderly assist in their daily lives when they can safely live alone, but still need regular help. These types of aids make it easier to move and to maintain their health by stopping falls or making it easier to contact medical professionals when they do hurt themselves or just need medical attention.

Common Helps aids for the elderly

• Free Standing Canes
• Electric Wheelchairs
• Standing Walkers
• Wearable Medical Alerts

The incidence of falls among the elderly is at a ratio of one in every three people over 65 fall each year. Among the elderly 2.5% of them suffer from a non-fatal accident in the bathroom each year. The accidents in question are most likely bathtub related, since that area is slippery when wet and the elderly already have difficulty transferring its easy to imagine most of the bathroom falls are related to getting in and out of bathtubs.

To protect against those kinds of falls there are solutions to protect the person from danger. For the bath there are walk-in bathtubs that don’t require an elderly person to have to climb over the tub edge to exit. Another help aid for those who still have a standard bath/shower tub is to install a grab bar on the shower wall and a grab bar along the edge of the tub. Some of the tub grab bars are installed with floor supports, while another will attach directly to the tub edge.

Lift assists help the elderly stand from a sitting position. These take many forms: a personal lifting cushion that inflates and deflates for when you sit or stand; an ergonomic stand which is supported by the floor and has handles you can grab onto to aid in lifting yourself from a sitting to standing position; a portable bar that you lock into the door latch assembly of a vehicle to aid in your exit from the automobile.

Stair lift chairs that take you seated up the stairs. These must be professionally installed, but they can be used to ascend one to three or more flights of stairs in a private home.

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