Every now and then, we see a fitness trend that disrupts everything and changes the game. Crossfit is exactly that. This brand of workout was officially founded in 2000 and has gradually made waves ever since. The name serves as a clue to what makes it so different from other fitness methods. It is a cross of multiple disciplines from weightlifting to HIIT to calisthenics. Thousands of gyms around the world offer classes to those who like the idea and are willing to put in the effort. Check out the Crossfit gyms in Houston and sign up for your first class to learn more about it.
Fitter, Faster
This is the perfect workout if you would like to see a big improvement over a short span of time. The exercises are intense so it will not be easy, but you will reap great rewards if you are able to stick to it. If you have tried other approaches but got frustrated with the lack of results, then you may want to give this a shot. It may just be the one that you are looking for. Just remember that you will need to rest as hard as you push your body in order to recover properly. This will help you stay away from injuries and reach your goals faster.
Fun with Friends
One great aspect of Crossfit classes Houston is the camaraderie build between practitioners. Most people try to complete the workout of the day or WOD that is posted in the gym. This changes each day so it never gets stale. For example, you might be asked to do a certain number of reps for push-ups, sit-ups, kettlebell swings, box jumps, clean-and-jerks, and so on all within a limited period. The fastest person may get a small prize. You and your friends can all give it a go and post your results on the board see how each of you stack up with the rest and make this a motivation to do better each time. There are even competitions in different Crossfit events that draw big crowds.
Holistic Fitness
Crossfit is all about mixing it up. Given the variety of movements, virtually every muscle in the body gets to work. You are not focused on a specific set of muscle groups day after day. This reduces the chances of overtraining injuries. Of course, you can still get injured if you do too much too soon. Be sure to work with the instructors at the gym. Follow their tips especially when it comes to the proper form.
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