Introduction To The Residential Electrical Company

Introduction To The Residential Electrical Company

Unlike any other type of light bulb on the market, LED lighting is completely made up of non-toxic and recyclable materials, allowing us to save by safeguarding the environment. The future of eco-sustainable lighting begins with the LED revolution. Saving with LEDs is just one of the infinite advantages that this new ecological and eco-sustainable technology offered by the Residential Electrical Company.

Long life, instant ignition, low environmental impact, savings on your bill and much more: the advantages of LED seem to know no limits, becoming the last bastion of the future of home and business lighting. Thanks to the economic and environmental sustainability advantages that LED bulbs offer, they are the most versatile and economical choice for any type of structure.

These radiations are emitted in minimal part but in a constant way by the halogen bulbs, which releasing continuously ultraviolet emissions cause damages to the sight and can affect the formation of tumors to the skin.

Another advantage of the absence of UV rays reveals its full effectiveness in summer: LED lamps do not attract insects, keeping out mosquitoes, moths and other unwanted insects from our homes.

Not only do they allow us to save on the electricity bill, but thanks to the non-toxic and recyclable materials of which they are made, LED bulbs allow us to maintain a low environmental impact in everyday life. But what is the difference between traditional and LED bulbs? Let’s find out together.

The old incandescent lamps formed by a glass bulb and a tungsten filament inside were replaced at the beginning of the 80s with halogen lamps, which thanks to the insertion of an iodine gas inside the bulb could produce a stronger light than the old bulbs as shown by the Residential Electrical Company.

However, the disadvantages of halogen lighting were soon discovered, which came to have a greater impact than the benefits actually offered: halogen lighting produces excessive overheating of the light bulb and constant emission of ultraviolet rays. These emissions cause proven eye damage and can lead to skin cancer in the long term.

There are several different lighting models on the market and it is good to know them, so that you can better orient yourself at the time of purchase according to our needs and to have greater energy savings.

They are variants of the old incandescent ones: the lamps are filled with a mixture of halogen gases (essentially bromine), which creates a filament regeneration process. In fact, when the latter reaches about 3000 degrees kelvin. The tungsten atoms that evaporate from the filament, after having chemically combined with the halogens, are deposited on it to start another cycle.

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