Large Plastic Free Drink Bottles

Large Plastic Free Drink Bottles

Large Plastic Free Drink Bottles are more expensive but they are a healthy alternative to take into consideration. A tap water filter is another interesting option but sometimes it is not very healthy as it contains excessive amounts of limescale or other elements that may be harmful to your health. Nevertheless, you can install a small reverse osmosis filter useful to eliminate these unhealthy elements.

Specific water purification jugs: this is a very similar system to tap filters. They purify water, eliminate bad odors and flavors and optimize it in a very healthy way, making it perfect for daily consumption.

Nevertheless, there are much healthier options to avoid these risks. If you think a moment about the amount of water in plastic bottles that we consume in a year, maybe you’ll get a little frightened. It is therefore useful to consider other more interesting and also much greener options.

Never fill the bottles with mineral water: it represents a very high risk that we must never run. Many people keep the plastic bottle to fill it once the water has finished. This warning already appears on the labels of most of the packages.

To introduce microbiological hazards. When a plastic bottle is emptied, many fungi and bacteria can stick to the material. When it fills with water again, these elements end up in our bodies and make us sick. It should also be remembered that, over time, the harmful components of the PET we have listed above are dispersed from the plastic and are more easily transferred to the water. Remember then: when a small bottle of water is empty, immediately throw it into the plastic container!

Never expose the water bottles to the sun. When the plastic comes in contact with a source of heat such as sun, fire or intense light, the formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are dispersed, which are the causes not just a bad taste of water, but also indigestion. Always keep the water in a cool place away from sources of heat and light! Just useĀ eco friendly drink bottles.

It should be kept in mind that companies are required to specify the source of the water they are selling and which is the main supply channel for them. Bottled water companies also sell derivatives to which they add a certain aroma. Through these products, they try to attract young people and sportsmen.

Care must be taken because sometimes this water can contain a lot of sugar. In order not to be deceived by advertising, we should always check the information on the label and see the amount of sugar it contains.

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