Crime can be reduced but not eliminated. There will always be dangers lurking around us and we might just be the next victim. You might already have some experience with regards to this such as dealing with a thug, a bully, and the like. If you are physically attacked, you will be lucky to come out of the ordeal with minor bruises. This does not have to happen again. Don’t let yourself succumb to trauma and fear. Do what you can to empower yourself such as enrolling in a self-defense class. For instance, there are a number of Krav Maga classes in Sydney that you can take at convenient hours. They will teach you the following and more:
Identify the Telltale Signs of a Potential Attacker
The best way to defend yourself is to avoid getting into these problematic situations in the first place. You can often spot aggressive behavior prior to an actual attack. Heightened awareness of your surroundings will enable you to evade dangerous positions. In the streets, you could steer clear of danger by changing your course upon seeing initial red flags or varying the paths you take so that . In cases where you can’t easily get away, you may be able to de-escalate the situation to prevent a violent encounter. Then you can escape when you get the chance.
Learn About Weak Points that You Can Exploit
The body has natural weak points that can be exploited to subdue a violent person. They are especially handy when there is a large disparity in size and strength. A smaller person can effectively defend himself or herself using the right techniques. These include regions with soft tissue like the eyes, the throat, and the nether regions. Hitting these, even with a tiny amount of force, can send a person reeling on the ground. Other vulnerable parts include the joints such as the fingers, toes, wrist and ankles. Twisting these can be severely painful — enough to immobilize an attacker and run.
Know How to Use the Environment to Your Advantage
Some people anticipate attacks by carrying concealed weapons such as pepper sprays, hidden knives, or even a gun. However, not everyone will have access to these when they find themselves in danger. They could try to survey their immediate environment to see if there is anything that they could use to defend themselves. Any object can be turned into a weapon if used correctly. Some of them might be able to inflict wounds to make the aggressor stop, even if momentarily, so that you can escape. Others can serve as barriers to prevent close contact.
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