When you send or receive information over the internet it is broken into packets which travels to many channels. The communications protocol used to route the packets across the internet is known as TCP/IP.
Internet platform providers are organizations that provide the connectivity platform of the internet. They are the first level in the internet hierarchy that establishes the connectivity to your local internet service provider via satellite links or underwater cables. This forms part of Network Configuration and Change Management.
What is bandwidth?
The term bandwidth describes how much data can be transmitted per second over the internet. Bandwidth is calibrated in bit per second (bps), kilobits per second (kbs) or megabits per second (Mbps). The amount of bandwidth you have available determines how quick your internet access and download speed actually is.
Internet service providers are the second tier of the internet hierarchy. They use the bandwidth they have purchased from internet platform providers in order to offer connectivity services to subscribers.
In many countries, there are various tiers of ISPs. The larger ISPs purchase their bandwidth from internet platform providers and the smaller internet service providers in turn purchase their bandwidth from the larger ISPs. Subscribers form the third tier of the internet hierachy; they obtain connectivity to the internet via different mechanisms such ISDN, 3G among others.
Newsgroups and chat rooms can be excellent sources of information and assistance on technical issues, hobbies, etc. They can also be sources of lively political debate and provide opportunities to meet people with shared interests.
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) is an internet standard protocol defined for the distribution, retrieval and posting of news articles and for enquiries about them. Network news (USENET) is a popular usage of NNTP. It offers buletin boards, chart rooms and Netnews.
This tool enables you to access Gopher servers worldwide, which offer information and resources that are organized by menus and helps to send information to you. It is also integrated to allow you access to other programs including FTP.
With computers, the ideal is to choose a portable type. It occupies less space, makes less noise and is more friendly in situations where you have to move it from one place to another. Nor will the most powerful equipment be needed, everything said.
As in the case of mobiles, we will have to dedicate some time to the initial set-up of the equipment and to teach the basic procedures of connection to the Network Configuration and Change Management., use of password to enter and basic handling through menus and applications.
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