Physio Glen Iris – Providing Quality Care for All

Physio Glen Iris – Providing Quality Care for All

Physio Glen Iris is a leading physiotherapy practice in Melbourne offering comprehensive and high quality care to each and every patient. At Physio Glen Iris, they strive to provide the best possible treatment with a personalised approach. Their team of highly trained professionals have extensive experience in treating a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions and neurological and cardiopulmonary issues.

Physio Glen Iris provides individualised treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs. They use evidence-based treatments such as manual therapy, exercise prescription, acupuncture and dry needling, cupping and taping techniques. The goal is to reduce pain, improve mobility, restore normal movement patterns and help the patient return to their desired level of activity as quickly as possible.

At Physio Glen Iris they understand that everyone’s needs are unique so they take the time to get to know each patient individually before beginning any type of treatment plan. This allows them to fully assess the condition or injury before creating an effective plan for recovery and rehabilitation which may include both physical therapy sessions at the clinic or at home exercises program tailored specifically for you by our experienced physiotherapist team.

The main focus at Physio Glen Iris is helping patients feel comfortable during their appointments by providing nurturing care throughout their journey towards improved health outcomes from diagnosis through recovery stages towards full rehabilitation goals if required . They offer both acute injury management services such as post-operative rehabilitation , sports injuries , falls management , workplace assessments along with chronic condition management strategies such occupational therapy services like ergonomic assessments .

Additionally , Physio Glen Iriss provides video consultations, making it more convenient for patients who cannot find time due to work commitments or those who live far away from the clinic but still require expert medical advice . All consultations are confidential with privacy assured between practitioner & client .

To ensure all clients receive top quality care that meets their individual requirements they employ only highly qualified practitioners who have extensive experience in treating many musculoskeletal conditions including but not limited to spinal pain , arthritic conditions & sports injuries . Their practitioners use evidence based treatments such manual therapy joint mobilisations & manipulation along with specific exercises prescribed according your current stage of recovery/rehabilitation progress which will be constantly monitored & updated when necessary resulting in positive long term outcomes for all clients treated at this clinic .

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