Do you consume a lot of water and sometimes wonder if the water in plastic bottles is harmful to your health? Think for a moment on the following question: do you buy water in plastic bottles or buy one in glass bottles? When you buy packaged water, you always focus on the composition. You want to know its origin or know if it is mineral water or not, but have you ever wondered the consequences that plastic can have on our health?
Nowadays, at the supermarket we find the water packaged in two different ways: in glass bottles and in plastic bottles. Plastic bottles have always aroused great controversy. In fact, they represent a very negative impact on the environment. A whole powerful industry deals with the production of plastic, labeling and even the privatization of water. Nevertheless, the most important aspect is to know if this water is good for our health.
Unlike Plastic Free Drink Bottles, normal plastic bottles are made of a compound known as polyethylene terephthalate (PET). What are we talking about exactly? It is a polymer, a chemical element that, according to various studies, is able to transmit certain elements to water. This means that there is a possibility that the bottled water we drink is altered due to this material. Here are the particles that can be dispersed from PET:
Phthalates. These elements are used to give flexibility to plastic. They are harmful to our health only if our body receives large quantities, since they could cause, for example, endocrinological problems. However, it is necessary to know that these elements will always be present in every plastic bottle that we will buy.
Antimony. It is an essential catalyst for PET processing. Is it dangerous for our health? Absolutely yes. It can cause cancer and respiratory problems. Health authorities impose limits on transferring from the bottle to water, which is usually equivalent to very small quantities. To ensure our safety and peace of mind, the WHO itself ensures that these limits are respected.
Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. These two compounds are responsible for that characteristic plastic flavor that occasionally has water. Experts say that this only happens when we expose the water bottle to the sun, which causes the passage of these compounds to water, and we must therefore pay particular attention. PET bottles, under normal conditions of use, do not contain too high concentrations of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde.
Health risks
Is PET therefore dangerous for our health? No, there are no direct risks. The health authorities are responsible for ensuring compliance with the regulations and, in general, the concentration of these harmful particles that are transferred from bottles to water is usually very low.
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