Signs Of Autism In Babies

Signs Of Autism In Babies

Early detection can lead to quick intervention. This is true for any condition including autism. Although parents want to believe that their children are healthy and well, being aware of the facts will be much more helpful for their little one in the long run. Treatment can vastly minimize the effects on kids and their ability to thrive in life. Autism can delay development if allowed to persist during the crucial stages so be proactive. Learn as much as you can if you suspect that something is amiss. Talk to a specialist to discuss your observations and make the right choices for your child. Early signs of autism in babies include:

Avoidance of Eye Contact

Toddlers and babies will usually look at you if you try to get their attention. If you smile at them, then they will smile back or at least provide a response. If you try to feed them, then they will look at you to make out who you are and check the food that you are giving. Signs of autism in babies may be present if the little one does not behave in this manner. The baby might avoid eye contact altogether or ignore you if you try to give it a smile.

Lack of Name Response

Our names are among the first things that we learn. It is instinctual just like in some of our pets. Once we know our name, we tend to respond right away when it is called. We know that it is us that is being referred to. With autism, the baby might not respond to its name. It might not even respond even to a familiar voice such as that of the parents or grandparents.

Failure to Communicate through Gestures

Speech is something that we learn later on but even at a very tender age, babies and toddlers can already communicate what they want to say through gestures. They may point to their toy, for example, to ask you to pick it up for them. They may wave goodbye when you go away. Autistic children will not be as communicative so it is harder to know what’s on their minds.

Apathy about Discomfort of Others

They may be extremely focused on themselves while ignoring others. They might see their parents get hurt or experience discomfort without any reaction. They might not even notice it because their attention is elsewhere.

Tendency towards Silence

They may not play with others or share common interest with those around them. They might not even make noises if they want something such as your attention. Most babies will try to cry or shout if they want people to notice them.

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