To a casual observer, it probably seems like not much has changed in dentistry. Yet dental technologies have advanced significantly and dentists in Eastwood offer patients modern solutions to traditional dental problems.
New technologies help diagnose and/or treat various dental conditions and diseases early and this ultimately sets dentists in Eastwood apart. Here are 5 advances that revolutionize the diagnosis and treatment for today’s patients;
Early detection of oral cancer – VELscope
The VELscope Vx is the most powerful device on the market to make the detection of oral abnormalities. The blue fluorescent spectrum can detect disease long before they are visible to the naked eye. For example, the variations in color indicates the presence of immature cells, which can be cancerous or pre-cancerous. Studies show that early diagnosis greatly contributes to increasing the survival rate of the patient. For example, a person with a diagnosis of cancer Phase 1 has a much greater chance of overcoming the disease a patient whose cancer had time to evolve in stage 4.
Treatment of Gum Disease by Photo-disinfection
The Photo-disinfection process, combined with scaling and root planing destroys many bacteria and toxins. It’s an effective and comfortable method that is done without anesthesia. This technology helps kill bacteria associated with periodontal disease, without the use of antibiotics, and can quickly kill bacteria and can curb their toxins without side effects that antibiotics could potentially cause, like allergic reactions. The diode laser removes the bacteria from infected periodontal pockets more effectively than a simple curettage. This diode laser is activated by light and no heat, which prevents damage to the roots or gum tissue.
Bone Replacement
Bone loss can cause functional and aesthetic changes and while most patients choose the insertion of dental implants or a bridge, this is directly dependent on the amount and quality of bone. The bone graft is a surgical procedure that replaces the missing bone with an artificial bone, synthetic or natural. The main causes of bone loss are:
· Loss of teeth / tooth extraction ;
· Periodontitis, gingivitis, pyorrhea;
· Mucosal erosions;
· Trauma;
· Osteoporosis;
· The aging process.
There are three types of bone replacement used for patients that suffer from bone loss;
1. Replacement: with Man-Made Bone; a laboratory man-made material derived from a freeze dried substance
2. Replacement: with Animal Bone; Processed and sterilized from an animal source
3. Bone via Grafting: Bone that is harvested from another area of your body
The tools and techniques for modern dental care are constantly evolving, and when it comes to your smile, Eastwood dentists are equipped to help guide you in choosing the most appropriate treatment.
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