The Basics Of TRX Curls

The Basics Of TRX Curls

You don’t need to have a dumbbell do perform bicep curls. You can work on your arms using TRX suspension cables anywhere you are as long as you can find a sturdy spot to hang them. This could be a door, a tree, a pole, and so on. This exercise will also strengthen your core since you have to keep your body straight throughout the movement. Face the anchor point and grab the handles. Lean back such that your body is at an angle to the ground and your elbows bent with the handles near your face. Drop down slowly while straightening your arms, then pull yourself again towards the handles to complete the rep.

Things to Watch Out For

See to it that the anchor is strong enough to carry your weight before starting. The straps should not be loose. Make sure that you maintain a solid plank position throughout the movements. Engage your core muscles to prevent your midsection from sagging. Your elbows should be bent at the front of your body for this to be a true bicep curl. Some people place their elbows to their sides while pulling the handles. This is a good exercise for the back muscles but it is called a backrow. It is not a bicep curl so you are not working on the correct muscle group.

Modifications for Beginners

The TRX curls are suitable for users of all fitness levels. If you are having a hard time performing the prescribed movement, then you can make modifications to make it easier. For example, if you find yourself swinging from side to side too much while moving, then widen your stance to have a more stable base. If you cannot maintain a straight core, then just sit on the ground and bend from the waist up. If you are having a hard time pulling yourself up, then shorten the strap to reduce the severity of your angle with respect to the vertical.

Modifications for Advanced Users

If you are an advanced user who feels that the regular TRX curls are too easy, then increase the difficulty to make it worth your while. Drop down lower to the ground. The closer you are to horizontal, the harder this movement will be because of the increased resistance. You can also place your feet together to make your arms work to counter instability. You might even do this while balancing your weight on a single leg.

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