The Functions Of An Envelope Embosser

The Functions Of An Envelope Embosser

For many envelope embossers, there are 6 functions that they will perform for you. These include: envelope addressing, envelope sealing, envelope opening, envelope gripping, envelope inking, and envelope dampening. This blog post will go into detail about each of these functions to help you understand how an envelope embosser can improve your life.

Envelope addressing: envelope addressing means that envelope embossers will stamp the front of your envelope with a unique address. This is not only for aesthetics but also to identify where the envelope came from and where it should be delivered.

Envelope sealing: envelope sealing refers to how envelope embossers open up an envelope flap, insert something inside like paper or money, then seal it back shut using heat or pressure. After this occurs you can send out your envelopes without worrying about them ever coming undone during shipping!

Envelope opening: when people receive their mail they may want to open certain letters right away instead of waiting until later on in the day while others might just throw all their mail into one pile so that they save time by opening everything at once. With envelope opening, you can save a lot of time by just pushing a button and having the envelope flap open up for you without any additional force required!

Envelope size: envelope size is something that must be taken into consideration whenever you are purchasing an envelope embossing tool because if it doesn’t fit your paper then what good will it do? Luckily there are many different sizes available to choose from such as standard #11, windowed envelopes, square cards, and even index card-sized envelopes so every person should be able to find one that fits their needs perfectly.

Envelope gripping: envelope gripping is important to be able to ensure that the envelope can move up and down without getting jammed in your embossing machine. This will prolong the life of your envelope embosser by ensuring it doesn’t get too much wear and tear.

Envelope inking: envelope inking is also important because envelope embosser machines use a heated plate to flatten the envelope and create a raised letter so it’s vital that this heat does not damage your envelope.

Most units have an automatic ink roller on them which will apply a coat of rubber-based ink onto the paper before going through the machine, although there are some older models that require you to manually roll over the paper with an ink pad or applicator stick.

Envelope dampening: envelope dampening is also very important, envelope embosser machines can sometimes leave a residue on the envelope due to the heat. This will create a raised impression on your envelope and cause some of its ink colors to run onto it or other envelopes if they are stacked together. Dampening paper before running through an envelope embosser machine helps ensure that there is no excess ink as well as removing any unwanted particles from ruining your lettering.

For more information on envelope embosser, check online.

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