The Importance Of A Heart Screen Program

The Importance Of A Heart Screen Program

The World Health Organization and the IARC, International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies electromagnetic fields involved in the use of mobile devices, on the five categories for carcinogens, as a group 2B: possibly carcinogenic to humans.

Some scholars have speculated that the electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile phones can cause damage to the health of users. At present, research has given controversial results, some did not show a direct correlation between the use of mobile phones and the onset of diseases such as cancer while others have associated with prolonged exposure lengthy (ten or more years) increases the risk of occurrence of brain tumors.

In the meantime, some manufacturers recommend limiting the use of the same and to keep them at a minimum distance. The most recent studies in this regard are as follows: in 2008, a research by a group of Israeli scientists, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, indicated that the frequent use of mobile telephones may increase the chance of getting cancer of the salivary glands by 50%.

Researchers tend to discourage the use of mobile phones to children under 12 years given that they’re much more sensitive to electromagnetic radiation than adults. What is certain for now is only the temperature rise of the neighboring areas to the ear as a result of a long, continuous use of the phone (direct absorption of electromagnetic waves). This causes hearing loss and can result in the worst cases also to deafness, which necessitates turning to a Heart Screen Program.

In 2011, a study by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization, indicated that the use of mobile phones can increase the risk of glioma, a type of brain tumor malignant, and acoustic neuroma, a benign form.

The data processed by the IARC led to classifying radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as a Group 2B carcinogen, that is,possibly carcinogenic to humans. This classification indicates that there may be risks associated with the use of cell phones, but that is necessary to carry out further research to establish the possibility or otherwise of a direct link between cell phone use and the onset of cancer and long-term impact of mobile phones.

This result was subsequently denied by the results of a large epidemiological study, involving more than 350,000 users older than 30 years and covering the years between 1990 and 2007. Given the high statistical power of this study would be theoretically difficult today to refer to scientific evidence explicit as regards the possibility of increased risk of brain tumors associated with mobile phone use. Visit to a professional to perform a heart screen program.

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