The best bearded dragon carpet depends on your budget and the amount of effort you want to put into keeping it clean. If you don’t mind cleaning, reptile carpet is a great choice but paper towels and tiles will also work and require less cleaning. One thing you definitely don’t want to use is loose substrates (e.g. sand, wood shavings). While they’re cheap and easy to spot-clean they can cause impaction if your bearded dragon accidentally eats them.
What to Look for in Reptile Carpeting
The best substrate to use for your bearded dragon is one that isn’t only cheap and easy to clean but you also want something that’s safe and looks nice. Since you’ll need to keep the humidity in your tank low while keeping the heat high you’ll want to make sure that the substrate doesn’t hold any humidity in it.
Regardless of what substrate you buy, it’s going to have some pros and cons to it. For instance, reptile carpet will give your tank more of a natural look. It’s also known to stand up well to the wear and tear of temperature fluctuations and your reptile’s activities. However, you’ll need to remove it from your tank whenever you want to clean it. Once cleaned it’ll take several hours to air-dry. Therefore you’ll need to buy at least two carpets so that you’re able to swap them when you clean the tank.
A Closer Look at Reptile Carpet
When you’re looking for a substrate that’s not only safe but also looks natural and is easy to clean, this is going to be your best option. Of course, you’ll find that there are a lot of other great advantages to using it as well. For instance, it’s easy to install and won’t warp or overheat. However, you do need to be sure you have the time and energy to put into cleaning it.
The Bottom Line
The best substrate for your tank is going to be a bearded dragon carpet. You can find this being sold in almost every pet store today. Once you’ve bought some you’ll find it very easy to cut with scissors so that it will look good in your tank, especially considering you’ll be able to find a lot of different colors and patterns so you can easily match your decor. Make sure that you buy two carpets though so you’re able to swap them every time you clean your tank.
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