When miners reach ground that contains gold they call it paydirt. To get the gold they pan or otherwise process the paydirt to extract the gold. A paydirt bucket is an amount of dirt that contains gold concentrates (black sands, small nuggets and fine gold) that is sold by various companies to the public. The bucket does contain various amounts of gold and people buy these buckets hoping to find at least enough gold to cover their cost. Some people also buy these buckets to practice their panning skills.
There are many sellers of paydirt buckets all over the world. They range from individuals selling on eBay to large businesses that have a good reputation. In their advertisement the sellers make it seem like buying these buckets is a good investment; that the buyer will receive gold worth more than what they bought the bucket for. The truth is it might happen or it might not, buying paydirt in this way is a complete gamble like buying a lottery ticket..
Paydirt businesses have to make a profit to stay in business so they have to use a business model that makes them money. A bucket of paydirt that guarantees a gram of gold usually costs somewhere between 60 and 70 dollars. That is about 20 to 30 dollars over the spot price of one gram of gold – and that doesn’t include shipping. There will be some buckets that have more than a gram of gold but these bags are relatively rare. This is a very successful business model because a profit is made the majority of the time and it hooks the buyer into purchasing more in hopes of striking it big. The reward only occurs very rarely. This means that sellers only put extra gold in one out of many bags.
There are several reputable paydirt bucket sellers in business that tend to give you your money’s worth, some more than others. Read the reviews online to get a feel for what people before you have experienced and give a company with good reviews a chance – you might be pleasantly surprised. Paydirt can be fun to pan out with family and is also a good way to get a taste of gold mining but it’s not the best way to invest in gold. In the long run, you’re not going to make a return on your investment and will most likely end up in the red.
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