What Is Account Based Marketing?

What Is Account Based Marketing?

Account Based Marketing (ABM) is a methodology that focuses on getting the right leads in front of the right people. ABM aligns marketing and sales efforts by identifying ideal accounts that fit your market, focusing your resources on just those accounts, and then leveraging that information to personalize messaging across all channels.

Who Needs Account Based Marketing?

Everyone can benefit from a strong account-based marketing strategy. Traditional outbound selling has become more difficult as it requires following up with more leads than ever before while also combating increased customer skepticism. On average, only 25% of leads are ready to buy. This means marketers are spending time and money getting in touch with the wrong accounts, which means they are not putting their efforts into reaching the right accounts that will close. ABM focuses on creating highly personalized messaging by aligning marketing and sales teams around specific prospects. This allows marketers to spend less time contacting unqualified leads while also increasing the chances of converting prospects into customers.

The Problem With Outbound Marketing

Configuring Price Quote (CPQ) software is complicated. We all know this, but what many people don’t realize is just how difficult it can be to find the right product without knowing exactly what you need! This holds for both B2B companies trying to sell CPQ technology and enterprise buyers looking to find the right CPQ solution for them. This is where account-based marketing comes into play.

B2B companies need to provide product information that isn’t overwhelming but instead captures the buyer’s interest and encourages them to inquire about their specific use case within their organization. This can be done by speaking directly to relevant pain points based on the type of company you’re targeting or by talking about how your product uniquely solves those struggles.

What Does Account Based Marketing Look Like?

Account-Based Marketing is highly personalized messaging across all channels, including email, phone calls, direct mailers, webinars, trade shows – anything possible with appropriate relevancy! You can align your entire organization to focus on qualified accounts with the explicit intent of increasing sales velocity.

In conclusion, account based marketing is a more personalized method of reaching leads that are more likely to convert into customers. ABM strategies help marketers get in touch with the right leads while also increasing the number of qualified leads. This means less time spent on contacting unqualified leads and more time focused on converting prospects into customers.

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