What Is Anal Fissure, And What Causes Them?

What Is Anal Fissure, And What Causes Them?

An anal fissure London is a condition that affects the anal canal and rectum. The anal canal connects to the rectum, storing stool until it leaves the body through bowel movements. An anal fissure London can be caused by many different things such as constipation, diarrhea, hard stools, or prolonged sitting on the toilet during bowel movements. There are many treatments for anal fissures, including over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs. One of these treatments may help you get relief from anal pain and help heal your anal fissure!

What causes the fissure?

Various factors contribute to developing this problem: chronic disease (inflammatory bowel diseases), anal intercourse, pregnancy, and childbirth.
The most common cause of fissure is chronic diseases such as:
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) manifests itself in conditions such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis; Rectal cancer; Anorectal trauma (injury to the anal canal); Prolonged sitting on a toilet seat during defecation.
Many people know a fissure, and this condition affects one out of ten individuals at some point in life. These are tears that appear within the anal walls, usually due to extreme pressure while passing large stools, straining during constipation or diarrhea, prolonged diarrhea, or because of an injury caused by medical treatment. These fissures are one of the most common causes of anal bleeding.

Fissures can be diagnosed by anal inspection or an Anoscopy; this is a simple test where your doctor uses a small lighted tube to look inside the anus for any abnormalities. This procedure does not require anesthesia and can diagnose if there are internal anal tears that cannot be seen through external means. Sometimes incisions may need to be made for your doctor to see what’s going on. These cuts will usually heal within three weeks, so it is essential only when necessary as they might cause more damage than good. Treatment options include:

Wearing loose-fitting underwear.

Using stool softeners during bowel movements.
Cleaning from the front to back after going to the bathroom.
Using petroleum jelly or a commercial anal ointment before bowel movements.

You must see a doctor if you experience fissure symptoms as they might need treatment right away for them not to get worse and cause more damage. Some signs of anal fissures include pain during bowel movement, bright red blood on toilet paper or in the stool, tissue stuck together with dried blood around the anus area. If these occur, one should contact their primary care physician immediately so treatment can begin as soon as possible and avoid further injuries from occurring, such as rectal bleeding, which could lead to anemia.
We hope this information has been helpful to you.

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