If you own a dinghy or a boat that does not have a working outboards for sale, you should consider buying one. You can either buy a new or used outboard. Whatever the case, you have to make sure that the outboard is in a good working condition. The beauty of buying a new outboard is that it comes with a factory warranty. New motors are also fuel efficient and offer great performance. This means that they offer great value for money. Used outboards, on the other hand, are cheaper to purchase, but cost more to run in the long run. In addition to that, they do not have a factory warranty.
There are many places where you can find outboards for sale. During your research, therefore, it is recommended you compare all the available options to ensure you find the best outboards for your needs. Below are things to consider during your research:
i) Pricing
This is perhaps the most important consideration when searching for an outboard. Therefore, you have to check the prices quoted by different vendors and shortlist outboards that are within your financial reach. Since you have limited financial resources, you can either consider buying a used outboard or shopping around for affordable new outboards. To ensure you are able to make an informed decision, you should not be in a rush to make a decision.
ii) Specifications/Ratings
It is recommended you check the engine capacity of an outboard as well as the power output it can provide under normal operations. The bigger the engine, the higher the fuel consumption, but you can also get more power out of the outboard and vice versa. Therefore, you will need to look for a suitable engine size.
iii) Electric vs Internal Combustion Motors
Nowadays, most things are electric. You will find electric cars, trucks, trains, airplanes and even boats. Therefore, you can decide to buy an electric outboard or a gasoline outboard. Both have pros and cons, but electric outboards do not consume any fuel. Instead, they have a high capacity rechargeable battery that powers the motor. These batteries can also be solar-charged.
When making a purchase, be sure to have an outboard inspected and tested. This is because an outboard may look perfect on the outside, but may not be in a running condition. Therefore, you need to make the necessary arrangements to have the motor inspected before you make payment.
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