When people hear about the best alternative drinks to coffee, many will immediately say that drinking a cup of coffee or taking a coffee break is the best way to get you ready for your day. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Drinking coffee may be one of the worst things you can do for yourself during the day. The adverse effects of coffee are well-documented and widely understood. But there are other ways to wake you up in the morning that can do much better. You have to know what they are.
Let’s start with coffee. Many people think that coffee is a mild stimulant that will make them feel alert and productive throughout the day. That’s not the case, though. Coffee can disrupt your body’s natural chemical balance and cause ill health effects.
One of the most common effects of coffee is caffeine withdrawal. You may think that you’re getting your caffeine fix when you pop that first cup, but within two hours, your body has moved on to its next dose of the stuff. And if you ignore what you’re putting into your body, you can suffer severe withdrawal symptoms that include irritability, anxiety, trouble concentrating, and the inability to stay focused. This is not something that you want to deal with during the workweek, let alone at night.
Another problem associated with coffee is that it can keep you up way past your bedtime. If you’re tossing and turning and sleepless at night, it’s not a good idea to drink coffee.
The last major drawback of coffee is that it’s often high in calories and can make you feel sluggish and lazy for the rest of the day. It also tends to keep you up way past your recommended sleeping hour, which can keep you behind schedule and late for work. If you drink too much coffee and caffeine intake in a day, you can quickly become overweight. A healthier alternative would be to drink water and eat some good foods during the day to help prevent weight gain.
One excellent alternative is to make your hot chocolate with cocoa. It’s effortless to make and contains nothing except natural ingredients like pure cocoa powder, sugar, and optional flavoring if you wish. Make sure it is 100% cocoa powder; otherwise, it will have the same effect as coffee.
One of the best alternative drinks to coffee is green tea. It contains antioxidants that aid in healthy sleep patterns. Green tea also regulates blood pressure and is a natural relaxant. There are no reported side effects, so it’s an excellent choice to give it a try. Besides, who wouldn’t want a nice hot cup of tea to help them sleep?
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