Body fitness and a healthy lifestyle is one of the most important and wisest decisions to make. It is also wise to understand that your diet contributes a lot to your new workout routines for beginners and transformation. So, before you start hitting the GYM, take your time and look at your diet and its effect on your body and energy in the GYM. We understand how hard it is for you to start having a random or routine workout; that is why we are always here to help you achieve your journey with workout routines for beginners. The page will outline some of the critical workout routines you should consider as a beginner to achieve your new body shape and healthy living.
Goblet Squat
This is a fantastic workout that improves your muscles‘ stability and improves your body by introducing a need for more substantial muscles to support you. The workout is all about improving your ability to carry barbell squats if you progress into serious bodybuilding. Hold a weight (it is wise to start with the lighter ones) against your chest or above your belly with your hands up, then drop into a squat position. Here your thighs should be at least parallel to the floor, then drive back. You can repeat this ten times or more till you feel tired; stop it immediately if you feel nausea or fatigue.
Glute Bridge
This is an average bodyweight workout and the best for beginners to activate your glutes ( the massive backside muscle). Sprawl down on your back with your feet flat and knees bent on the floor. Push or squeeze your back muscles and raise your hips so that your body forms a straight plane with your knees with your shoulders. You can pause for five seconds, then squeeze back to your original position, repeat this until you feel like your body cannot take in the next one.
Dead Bug
Lie on your back with your hands extended towards the roof and your feet raised with knees bent at 80 degrees. Try to lower your right hand behind your shoulder and your left leg and the limps straight or hovering above the floor. Repeat this for one minute till you feel tired; you can take a break and repeat the first workout for a week. Body fitness takes time, at least six months, you will start seeing the difference many people hit the gym for two weeks and give up all you need is to trust in the process and give it time.
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