Even after doing everything possible to satisfy claim payment from your insurer, you still may not get it. The company, after conducting insurance valuations, may decide that you do not deserve compensation on your losses. Some of the reasons for such a decision include the fact (or assumption) that you did not take proper care of the insured property or lack of truth or correct information during your application for insurance. Nevertheless, if you are convinced that you have been treated unfairly, there are a few steps you can take in pursuit of payment for your claim.
1. Review Policy Terms and Conditions
The decision to reject your claim may be mainly founded on your overlooking or inability to observe the terms and conditions spelt out in the policy documents. Of importance is confirming that you provided the correct information right from the beginning. Remember that your insurer should not reject your claim if they never asked for information they later seek during the claim process. Furthermore, they are responsible for making every wording on the policy clear and understandable.
2. Make a Formal Complaint
If you are convinced that your insurer is wrong in denying you compensation, make a formal complaint to them as soon as possible. You can either call or write a letter to the company. Clearly explain the reasons for your complaint and point out areas in which you think the insurer is wrong in rejecting your claim.
3. Hire an Independent Assessor
You can always hire a professional to conduct an independent assessment of the property on which you base your claim. Alternatively, you can seek the services of the insurance company’s assessor. It will give you a clear idea on your grounds for appealing the insurer’s decision or even provide more evidence to support your appeal.
4. Seek the Assistance of the Ombudsman Office
If the insurance company still rejects your claim, you can make a complaint to the Ombudsman office. Keep in mind that you can only contact the Ombudsman after you are convinced that the insurer is unwilling to compensate you even in the face of strong evidence to support your claim. After reviewing your complaint, the office may compel the company to pay as well as apologize to you.
The best way of avoiding disappointment with your claim is ensuring that you observe all the rules set out in the policy documents. In addition, provide the required information right in the application stage. However, there is no reason to give up your compensation just because the insurer says that you don’t qualify for it. Remember that you can get independent insurance valuations and assessments to help you argue your case.
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