Benefits Of Dried Kiwi

Benefits Of Dried Kiwi

It may not always be practical to eat sweet, juicy kiwi on the go or store it long term; as such, you should consider dried kiwi fruit as a substitute since it has a whole lot of benefits. The dehydrated fruit is moderately low in calories, low in fat and provides healthy fiber and minerals. Typically, it is high in added sugars, so it should only be incorporated into the meal plan of those who consume a low-sugar diet. Below are some dried kiwi benefits as far as its nutrients are concerned:


Dried kiwi fruit is a good choice to improve your calcium and iron intake. A single serving of this fruit supplies 4 percent of the daily requirement of calcium. The calcium bolsters strength and bone density. Studies have shown that eating kiwi can increase the intake of antioxidant to assist in the prevention of periodontitis, which is an inflammatory disorder of the tissues surrounding your teeth. In addition, you intake 3 percent of the recommended daily intake of iron, which is valuable for increasing the production of red blood cell.

Carbohydrates and Fiber

Consuming a serving of dried kiwi fruit provides 43 grams of carbohydrates. Ideally, your meal plan should be between 225 and 325 grams each day to improve your energy level. Additionally, you intake 0.5 gram of fiber for each serving of dried kiwi; neither fresh nor dried kiwi supplies very much fiber. Between 25 and 38 grams of fiber is required each day. However, a recent and in-depth study indicates that men and women from China who ate kiwi two times every day, over a period of four weeks, experienced relief from constipation due to the fiber content.

Calories and Fat

There are 180 calories in a 1.8-ounce serving of dried kiwi fruit. This is a lot more when compared to the same serving of fresh kiwi, which is 30 calories. This is partly due to the process of drying the fruit, which concentrates nutrients and calories. Dried kiwi is typically covered in sugar and as such, the calories in the dried fruit include added sugar as well. In spite of the heightened calories, snacking on a serving of dried kiwi is a good option. Nutrition experts recommends eating between 100 and 200 calories for snacks between meal. Furthermore, a serving of dried kiwi includes 0.5 gram of fat, which makes this dehydrated kiwi a good choice for low-fat diets.

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