How To Deal With A Toxic Boss

How To Deal With A Toxic Boss

How to deal with a toxic boss is something that may sound challenging, but there are ways that you can learn how to deal with a toxic boss. Toxic bosses are not normal people who act like they’re in control, but they are unkind and unfair to their employees or co-workers. It’s no doubt that they do not know what it takes to be one of the best leaders in the world; which is why if you have the chance to change your employer, make sure you stand up for yourself and find something better than working under someone who wants things done their way only even if it means sacrificing your morale.

What does this article mean by “toxic” boss? Generally speaking, there are four different bosses; good, bad, great, and toxic. The good kind knows how to practice good leadership skills, which is someone who can treat their employees in an equal manner. As for the bad kind, it’s when bosses don’t see their employees as people but more of things that they can control. A good example would be Henry Ford – he doesn’t hire anyone with different religious beliefs, and if you get injured on the job, you’re fired, no questions asked. The great kind is bosses that are seen as legends or heroes that fight for what’s right. And lastly, there are toxic bosses who only want to get ahead of everyone else, even if it means cheating others out of jobs, money, or whatever else they have at their disposal.

Dealing with a Toxic Boss

Here are a few ways to deal with a toxic boss.

  1. Don’t take it personally – no matter how toxic they are, you shouldn’t feel disrespected or hurt by their words. They don’t know any better, so all you can do is just turn the other cheek and move on, knowing that today wasn’t your day.
  2. Be kind in return – Being nasty to them will not get you anywhere, but being nice will most likely make them nicer back, even if it’s only for a brief moment in time. This is because people who are mean eventually run out of steam when they stand up for themselves instead of putting themselves down.
  3. Remain calm – Toxic bosses may see this as a weakness, but really, this will show them that even though they’re throwing insults at you, you’re not affected by their comments. Remaining calm is something that they probably won’t see coming, which can help you in the end.
  4. Be professional – Toxic bosses are only that way because they feel threatened. Still, if you maintain your professionalism even in your current state, then it will show them that nothing they say bothers you, and soon enough, they may get tired of trying their luck with you again. If anything, they’ll know to watch what comes out of their mouth so as not to jeopardize their job in the process.

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