While when you want to get rid of rats in attic, it may seem a bit difficult, but not impossible. It just depends on what you choose to do from there. You can ignore it and try to continue your life as usual until they come down off the roof and start chewing holes through your house siding or cabinets. Or you can take care of it yourself or call someone else to have the problem removed for you. There are a few ways that you can go about get rid of rats in attic depending on how accessible the source of entry is, along with how large of a population have found their way into your home.
There are many reasons why people rat problems in their homes, whether they have moved into a new home and find out that it has been infested with rodents or it could even be the homeowner’s fault for leaving food outside their homes big no-no. The main thing to do to have a healthy indoor environment is to avoid having rodent problems. Rats love to live inside homes because they offer warmth along with easy access to food. While outside, rats have to scurry from place to place, looking for basic needs such as food and shelter.
Rat Removal In Attics – 4 Methods
Method 1
Often, there are holes all around the roof. The best way to ward them off is by sealing up the holes and filling them with rock salt or even putting down rat poison. If you have a bird’s nest in your eaves, use steel wool to plug the hole so that no rats can enter. This is one of many ways on how to get rid of rats in an attic. If you want more information on this topic, check out my other post on how to get rid of rats for step-by-step instructions and DIY tips.
Method 2
If there is a way of access into the home, you can use rat traps and mouse traps to ensure they are caught. The next thing to do is figure out where they are living so that you can remove them once and for all.
Method 3
You can also try using poison if you cannot physically place rat traps. However, this method may be more dangerous because it will kill off rats and other types of animals like mice or birds. So make sure that you check around the area before putting down the poison to avoid any accidents.
Method 4
Finally, there are different types of rodent repellents that you can purchase at your local hardware store to get rid of rodents like rats. These work like a charm and will keep other rodents, such as mice, away from the area because they cannot stand the smell.
Warning: If you have children or pets, this may not be a good option. It is best to call a professional that knows how to get rid of rats and can take care of your problem in a safe and effective way (rats carry different diseases, so always err on the side of caution! )
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