Making The Best Cheeesebrger Tater Tot Casserole

Making The Best Cheeesebrger Tater Tot Casserole

Good parents are always looking for meals that taste great, look like junk food, and yet still have some good nutritional value. In some cases that can mean adding some sort of surprise to the dinner that is usually unwelcome but that does not always need to be the case; there are a lot of ways to add a little extra healthy nutrition to any meal that actually works well and adds to the taste rather than making it bland. The basic cheeseburger tater tot casserole is one such dish that gives a clever parent a lot of ways to play fast and loose with taste and nutrition for a meal your kids will love.

The Basics

The basic casserole is pretty simple: Take some ground beef, add in some ketchup and mustard, throw into a casserole dish, mix in some grated cheese for the gooey factor, and then cover with cooked tater tots. Cover in a little more cheese, and then toss into an oven until the cheese in the burger is melted and the cheese on the tots is golden brown. If you are dealing with a more adult crowd, caramelize some onions and mix in with the beef; kids do not usually like onions so it may not fly with them. You can also add in some hot sauce or even peppers for a little extra heat; again, be advised that not everyone likes extra heat, so play to your crowd.

Having Some Fun

While the casserole is cooking you can go one of two ways: Traditional or southern. Traditional is pretty basic: Dice some tomatoes and dill pickles and slice some lettuce; when the casserole comes out throw all of that on before serving. If you want something a little more interesting, southern may be the way to go: Prepare a great coleslaw for the topping instead. The tang of the slaw should act as an excellent balance to the rest of the casserole. In either case, bacon bits and diced red onion can add some great taste and texture, but provide in a dish as an option for the best effect.

There are some other options, such as adding corn to the meat, but you want to keep it simple and delicious; topping it like an actual cheeseburger will always be your best bet. It gives you a way to add vegetables to the meal for some added vitamins, creating a cheeseburger tater tot casserole that you will be proud to serve to your family.

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