Preschools And Getting Kids To Exercise

Preschools And Getting Kids To Exercise

Preschool Exercise Songs: At my age, I can admit I have never attended Preschool Exercise Songs, because there was none at the time nor was there any money to send me, if there was.

But I do have nieces and nephews that attended preschool and many times walked to pass their school on my days off to go to the store and saw what could only be the best way to not only exercise their minds and body and but self-confidence and build friendships.


Here they are not only learning to sing songs that are traditionally rhymes and age-old “pass me downs” that tell stories or even biblical (at certain schools that still allow it) but the actual songs just by memorizing it exercises the brains memory function as well as singing especially when moving or dancing exercises the lungs which create perfect blood flow and this, in turn, builds up their immune system


With all the singing, comes dancing or major body movements and this with the fact that it is done daily will exercise any little one without them even knowing they are doing it!

It is fun and creates a friendship and camaraderie that builds character.

Also like mentioned before it exercises the lungs which creates efficient blood flow which boosts the immune system.

It also allows children to learn about their bodies as well as making new friends they would not have done due to race or creed, as all these songs teach them about equality and everyone is the same on the inside and out (and the only difference is color of skin but that doesn’t matter)


As we all know repetitiveness is the key to learning and all these exercise songs and activities not only builds a strong memory and ability to think but can help those with mental problems, like ADHD, Autism, even dyslexia, as the repetitiveness is all part of the unlearning of these bad afflictions these kids have (some scientists and doctors have proven that most of theses afflictions and or diseases are what is known as “learned diseases and if it is learned, like most things in life its can be unlearned”


Many teachers use these exercises, to sum up, the different kids and the way they interact and can easily make out the dominate and leaders in groups and use them to teach others to become the same.

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