The Paydirt Bucket is the latest trend offering people a new discovery experience: the experience of panning gold. It’s almost like the gold rush feeling for the bored pedestrian with humdrum daily existences. It has an added benefit though: you could increase your investment by multiples.
Where the Paydirt Comes From
There are Paydirt Providers that offer the earth harvested from streams that capture runoff from gold mines in Canada and Alaska. The dirt contains, flakes and nuggets or gravels with gold content. Or get your paydirt from the Yukon, it may contain gemstones, fossils, or gold. It may come from a specific region, like the Mother-Lode region in California. Other buckets can contain gold a little of everything depending on the region from which the dirt was harvested.
Paydirt also comes from Arizona. Arizona gold, copper and silver are primarily mined in Pinal County in the Mammoth, Superior and Ray Districts. Any paydirt from these regions could yield one or all three of the prized metal ores.
There are even more paydirts that originate from specific claims. These will have the name of the claim and like any good consumer, before you buy, research the claim specified. One claim the paydirt hails from is the ‘Bear Creek Claim’. be sure they specify which Bear Creek: the one in Alaska, Colorado, North Carolina, or Oregon. The Bear Creek in Colorado is a claim located in San Miguel, in the San Isabel National Forest, 8,000 miles above sea level. It represents 20 acres where ore has been mined since before 1975. The ores listed as being primary are uranium and vanadium. There’s no mention of gold in this mine but research the exact location advertised. Your paydirt may be loaded with what you are seeking.
Some Gems found in Paydirt
• Sapphires
• Emeralds
• Amethyst
• Quartzes
Names for the Dirt
Sometimes this bountiful dirt is referred to as dredge concentrate, gold nugget paydirt, gold panning paydirt, and/or clunker nugget paydirt.
How It’s Sold and Shipped
The dirt is sold in quantities of one ounce up to 8 inch pans full, by the pound, 5 to 6-pound buckets or in multiple numbers of 5 to 6-pound buckets. It will arrive packaged in plastic bags or secured in glass jars. These quantities are shipped UPS, USPS, and overnight by FedEx.
Guarantees of Your Purchase Quality
Many Paydirt Bucket will guarantee your purchase to contain gold. Others will guarantee the quality of the gold shipped stating that the gold flakes will be of at least 20 to 23 Karat purity. At other times, your purchase is simply purchased ‘as is’ with no guarantees
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