The conversion device used to convert microwave into electrical signals is called radar sensor system. They are used to figure out the position, shape, motion trajectory of the object by detecting its motion with the help of wireless sensing technology.
Radar technology was initiated during world war II to undergo military operations, missile positioning etc. Since then, these devices found there roles in different fields like weather forecasting, traffic control and vehicle tracking.
Radar sensors operate by transmitting electromagnetic waves towards target object and analyzing the echoes returned from the object. The angular direction and location of target is measured by analyzing the time taken in overall trip of radar signal from and back to radar. It measures velocity, location and angular direction of the object and also the shape and size sometimes.
It comprises following parts:
-Antenna and Motor: Antenna to radiate waves and motor to rotate antenna.
-Transceiver unit: It generates waves and processes the signals.
-Processing Unit: It works on signal from radar components and external devices.
-Display unit: Enabled with radar screen and connected sensor data.
-Control unit: It controls the overall working of radar.
Unlike infrared and optical sensing devices, radar sensors can detect the measures of far away objects in adverse weather conditions.
These electromagnetic sensing devices are majorly used in following sectors:
-In military operations for surveillance and interception of target, missile launching, ship navigation and terrain tracking.
-In medical industry to observe heartbeat and breathing, baby monitoring, sleep disorder detection etc.
-In industrial sector for elevators, automatic induction, heavy machinery anti collision and robotic anti collision.
-In security system for airport intrusion detection, surveillance of prisoners, security of ammunitions, power grid security system etc.
The principle of radar works on transmission of electromagnetic waves which have same speed as that of light. Hence radar sensor system give quick results to detect the accurate information about target. Marine radars analyze the location of other ships that helps to prevent the collision of ships. In Aviation, radars help to detect any obstacles, weather conditions and accurate altitude. The first ever commercial radar sensor fitted to aircraft was a 1938 Bell Lab unit on an aircraft of United Air Lines. Short term weather forecasting and analysis of thunderstorms, winter storms, precipitation and tornadoes are done by meteorologists with the help of highly sensible radars.
It has been estimated that upto 2027, most of the services in world work on radar based technology.
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