Vagina health care is an essential part of every woman’s health as a whole since it affects the desire to have sex, fertility, and also the ability to experience orgasm. Some of the things that one can do to have a healthy vagina include;
Use of protection while having sex
Using protection like condoms especially when having intercourse especially with a new partner helps prevent sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancies and also helps maintain the vaginas PH levels so that the good bacteria that help prevent yeast infections and UTIs are well maintained.
Don’t douche
The vagina cleans itself and introducing new chemicals to help clean it usually interferes with its PH levels. Scented soaps should also be avoided because they make the vagina dry since it does not have a protective layer.
Kegel exercise
These exercises are very important because they help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, thus improving bowel movement, helps decrease strain on the pelvic organs, and also making the organs strong.
See a gynecologist
Gynecological examinations are important for a Vagina health care. Some of these examinations are like cancer screening which is normally recommended from the age of twenty-one years, which helps one know if there are any changes in vaginal cells that may lead to cancer.
Treating infections once they happen.
Treating the infections as soon as they occur is very important because they can affect the ones’ reproductive health in general. Some of the infections are bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection, and trichomoniasis.
Use lubricants
Vaginal dryness can be caused by things like menopause, some of the birth control methods, or when on is on medications like antidepressants or after giving birth. Using lubricant is essential because it helps prevent painful sex that may lead to bruises.
Wearing cotton underwear.
Cotton undies are good because they help to absorb moisture and let in air. When cycling, it’s always important to wear padded shorts to help prevent vaginal numbness, tingling, and pain.
The other way of maintaining a healthy vagina is by avoiding too much alcohol and other drugs like nicotine because they affect sexual functions. Getting a vaccine to help protect against HPV and hepatitis B is also a great way that helps promote a healthy vagina.
Teachings about vagina health care are important because they help equip women with the knowledge that is needed in taking care of the vagina, thus improving the reproductive system as a whole.
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