What To Know As A Washington DC Photojournalist

What To Know As A Washington DC Photojournalist

Washington DC is the capital city of the United States of America. Here, you will find different types of people with totally different backgrounds pooling their cultures in one city. As a photo enthusiast, you will notice beautiful colour complexions and themes. A camera is not just supposed to be raised and rolled any time anywhere without proper inquiries. Due to misinformation, photojournalist has found themselves on the interrogations desk with the authorities answering questions.Herein are Some rules and regulations that govern Washington DC photojournalist.


Do not do drones in Washington DC. Here most areas are considered to have restricted air space. The rules that govern drone restrictions are well put into place by the relevant authorities. One says that a drone should not fly within ‘special flight rules area’. This means that drones are strictly kept from flying or crossing into airport territory. Every restricted area has regulated miles well stipulated by the government on the drones rules and regulations. I am sure you do not want to cross lines with the government to have your gadget taken and lose all the data. Just because you failed to comply.


Washington DC is one city where security has been beefed up. You will hardly negotiate a corner before coming into a cop. In most cases, if not nearly all, they clearly understand the rights of a journalist and they will let you do your job. However, termination can be done when a photoshoot does bleach peace of the public. In an event security approaches you to stop taking photos, there are many ways of approaching this order, with the first being complying. Later on, argue your point based on license permissions issued by the relevant authorities.

Permits, Permissions and Copyrights

As a photojournalist, ensure you have the right documents with you everywhere you go. This helps you to be on the safe side. This can be done by getting in touch with the relevant authorities and government affairs supervisory bodies. To acquire all these documents in hand could be an uphill task and a complicated business. However, the moment you have them, you are very safe. For larger or bigger shoots, engage a ‘fixer’ a local agent.


Washington DC is a beautiful city. The temptations to take a photo is irresistible. When you fail to adhere to the laws that govern the area, you risk your gadgets being confiscated and other crashed beyond recognition. Planning to go to Washington, above is all that you need to know as a Washington DC photojournalist.

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